Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Consolidation is not a term that you normally hear referring to the public education system. With the nation’s current economic situation, you hear many school officials talking about consolidating schools in order to save many. Consolidating schools would save the district money in operating costs, provide students with the same resources (extra curricular activities), and foster multicultural awareness. However, consolidating schools would also create larger class sizes, require some student to ride a bus an hour to and from school, and less opportunities for student to participate in extra curricular activities.
Consolidating schools would deviate me from my personal philosophy of education. As a future educator, I believe that being a good teacher differs from being an effective teacher. Effective teachers are the ones who know their subject areas, and they take the time to have that one-on-one connection with their students. Effective teachers are the ones who inspire students to eagerly learn and hopefully continue to further their education. I envision myself to be that effective teacher. In order to be that effective teacher, I will take that time to have a personal connection with my students, making myself available to assist them in anyway that I can. Personal integrity is a value that I will bring into my classroom. Children have enough people in their lives already lying and breaking promises to them everyday. Since school is supposed to be a safe “get-away” place for children to look forward to, I will be honest to my students and keep the promises that I make to them.
I personally believe that consolidating schools would create less opportunites for good teachers to become effective and/or master teachers.


  1. Hi Ernest...my blog site is http://maddiecofc.blogspot.com/. The blog is just the name of our class.

    I really enjoyed reading what you wrote and highly agree with you. I like what you said about the difference between an effective teacher and good teacher, and I agree that effective is better. It is one thing to just stand before a class and teach and it is another to get up there with love and compassion for the students you are teaching and what you are doing in the world. As our nation grows with our new president it is vital that we, as educators, create a better future. We cannot let our goals leave our sight because of the issues in our country now. Look forward to hearing more from you :-)


  2. P.S. It is easiest to find our partners whenever we blog if we just "follow" each others blogs...so just add me as someone to "follow"!!

  3. I completly agree with both you and Maddie. Teaching is one of the most important professions, and it is especially important, for the students sake, that teachers actually love what it is they do. I can't imgaine having to provide the same amount of attention and care for 40 plus kids! Especially at the younger levels, students need more one on one attention, and it is not fair to them to make cut backs that could affect their future.

    I also agree that there is a clear difference between a good teacher and an effective teacher, and I hope that we all strive to be effective teachers!

  4. Hey Ernest! Dont forget about morning meeting tomorrow! Call me if you see this! My number is 843 906 5732...hope to hear from you soon!
