Thursday, February 12, 2009

Student in David's Class

DISTAR Method in First grade. DISTAR is a phonics-based reading program that was developed to help students who lagged behind their peers in language skills. Most of the program is scripted.
What does it feel like for George? George is a student that is excelling in the small group instruction. George feels smart because he can make the sounds that letters make immediately.
What does it feel like for Melaney? Melaney is a student that is not excelling in the small group instruction. Melaney most likely feels ashamed, because she cannot make the sounds that letters make immediately.

1 comment:

  1. I think the word "scripted" is good word to describe the DISTAR method. Nothing works out well if it is scripted! The DISTAR method is very blah and scripted -- the opposite of what an early childhood classroom should contain!
