Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Brown Eyes

OMG, I loved this moive. Although the moive was only 18 minutes long, its message was very powerful. I can relate to the little boy in the moive, because I too am a minority student at an all white school and some times the only male in classes. I believe that the teacher did the correct thing, when she noticed that the little boy was responding. However, Dr. Robinson, the principal, should have been more interested in learning the teacher's problem before the situation gone out of control.


  1. I think that because I am a white female, sometimes I do forget to think about how minority students feel. I studied abroad in Spain two summers ago, and it was a huge eye opener...I was finally the minority. Being on the other side of things really made me stop and think about how I treat people.

  2. Oh Ernest! I felt the same way about this movie. I have to say, that I am part of the majority, so Im not going to say I know how he feels. But boy did I feel for him. I cannot believe the principal did not care and I am glad the teacher stood up for him. Wasn't it sad to see the movie turn into a fist fight because of the barrier of communication?
